ctp insurance claims
How to start your road accident injury claim
It’s quicker to lodge direct with Queensland’s largest CTP Insurer.
Did you know that you can lodge your claim directly without a lawyer?
If you were injured in a car accident and the driver at fault is insured by Suncorp CTP Insurance, you can start your injury claim quickly by calling us direct on 13 11 60 or start your claim online here.
Process for making a claim
Call us to start your claim, or claim online
Our CTP Claims Concierge can:
- Complete the claim form with you
- Identify the insurer of the vehicle at fault, and
- Lodge your claim right away
We’ll support you and assess your claim
We'll provide:
- a claims advisor to promptly coordinate treatment and rehabilitation
- an assessment of your entitlements, and
- an injury management expert to provide tailored support and assist with early recovery and rehabilitation.
Receive rehabilitation and compensation
We have a pathway for every recovery and a network of physiotherapy and allied health professional clinics to help you with your treatment.
We can also arrange for your treating doctor or provider to bill us directly for your reasonable expenses so you’re not left out of pocket.
Ways we can help
Benefits of direct lodgement
Customers in need receive quicker access to treatment and rehabilitation
Suncorp Insurance works collaboratively with healthcare providers to ensure quicker recovery for road accident victims.
Keep 100% of your compensation*
In Queensland, a lawyer acting on a 'no win no fee' basis can charge up to 50% of your compensation*. By claiming directly through Suncorp Insurance, 100% of your compensation* is paid to you.
*Your ‘compensation’ means your damages plus that part of your legal costs payable by the Insurer less the total of the applicable statutory refunds (e.g. to Medicare) and disbursements (e.g. fees for medical reports). If you deal directly with the insurer, you are not likely to have legal costs that may or may not be reimbursed by the insurer.
We are Qld’s largest CTP Insurer with personal injury claims specialists here to help
Suncorp Insurance is Qld’s largest CTP insurer covering over two million vehicles. Our Qld-based CTP Claims and Concierge team is made up of personal injury specialists who will guide you through every step of the claim.
We also offer in-person claims support and will work directly with you and your healthcare providers to ensure your swift recovery.
What compensation can I claim?
Circumstances vary but your entitlements may include:
What our customers are saying

“The case managers were excellent, friendly and extremely competent.”
- Liza from Paddington

“Sarah is brilliant! I realise that there is a whole team and system behind Sarah, but she is absolute top shelf with her caring, wonderful nature and the ease with which she explains things.”
- Tim from Burleigh Heads

“Very prompt attention to my claim, excellent service and communication and a thorough yet manageable claim process.”
- Ron from Airlie Beach

“Excellent communication, support and resources provided.”
- Bruce
Learn more about CTP
Frequently asked questions
No, you don’t need a lawyer to lodge an injury claim in Queensland.
A no win no fee lawyer can charge up to 50% of your compensation* by law. Dealing directly with Suncorp Insurance, 100% of your compensation* is paid to you.
As Queensland’s largest CTP insurer, we offer a dedicated service and our team of personal injury claims specialists make it easy to manage your claim without a lawyer. We understand injury and work directly with your healthcare providers to ensure the care you receive is tailored to your needs.
We’ll help you to gather all relevant information to support your claim such as medical reports, police reports and information from your employer. Our team can help identify the insurer of the vehicle at fault even if it’s not insured by us.
Call us on 13 11 60 and we’ll help you lodge your claim quickly and easily.
* Your ‘compensation’ means your damages plus that part of your legal costs payable by the Insurer less the total of the applicable statutory refunds (e.g. to Medicare) and disbursements (e.g. fees for medical reports). If you deal directly with the insurer, you are not likely to have legal costs that may or may not be reimbursed by the insurer.
Your claim should be lodged within nine months after the motor vehicle crash, but you should lodge your claim as soon as possible to begin treatment and rehabilitation if required.
Making a claim can seem daunting. Thankfully, our local CTP Claims Customer Concierge is here to provide guidance and support. We can help identify the insurer of the vehicle at fault, assist you in completing the claim form, and immediately lodge the claim with you.
Once you’ve lodged your claim, we will:
- allocate your claim to an experienced Claims Specialist.
- call you within 1 business day.
- investigate the accident to understand exactly what happened.
- determine who is liable as soon as possible.
- support your rehabilitation and treatment needs and make arrangements to cover reasonable and appropriate expenses.
- be in touch regularly throughout your recovery to provide updates and check that you’re doing okay.
- provide you with an assessment of your claim and work with you to resolve your claim as quickly as possible.
For more information, download the Personal Injury Claim Information Guide.
A serious personal injury is a life-changing injury resulting from a motor accident, that leaves a person with a permanent disability, requiring assistance in their everyday life. The National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ) helps support victims of such injuries.
The physical, emotional and financial strains of a serious personal injury on an individual and their family can be devastating, and the cost of care for a seriously injured person over their lifetime can be in the millions of dollars.
Serious personal injuries include:
- permanent spinal cord injuries
- severe burns
- traumatic brain injuries
- permanent blindness, and
- multiple amputations.
For more information visit NIISQ or speak to one of our friendly CTP claims specialist on 13 11 60.
The Qld CTP scheme is a an ‘at-fault’ scheme, which means if you are the driver who causes a motor vehicle accident, the injured third party will make an insurance claim against your CTP policy. A person injured in a motor vehicle accident in Qld will not be entitled to compensation under the Qld CTP scheme if they are wholly at fault.
For more information please call our friendly CTP claims specialist on 13 11 60.
Have you been injured by one of our insured drivers?
Only you can decide if a CTP claim is right for you based on your individual circumstances. Nothing in Suncorp Insurance messaging should be taken as encouraging or inducing any person to make a CTP claim.
The information is intended to be of general nature only. Subject to any rights you may have under any law, we do not accept any legal responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss of business or profits or any other indirect loss, incurred as a result of reliance upon the information. Please make your own enquiries.
Qld CTP Claims Complaints or to resolve a dispute
If you have a complaint about our service or our decisions, please contact your Claims Advisor. If they can’t resolve the issue, they’ll refer the complaint to their Leader or delegate who will respond within 5 business days.
If you prefer not to do this, or if you are not satisfied with how we handle your complaint, you may request a review by emailing CTPSchemeCustomerSolutions@suncorp.com.au
Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC)
The Commission is the government body that oversees Queensland’s CTP scheme. They can give you general information about the claims process.
Phone: 1300 302 568 or visit maic.qld.gov.au.
Has your car been damaged?
CTP Insurance does not cover damage to your car or other people's cars or property. For car insurance claims you can make a claim online or via the Suncorp Insurance App.
Customers in need receive quicker access to treatment and rehabilitation
Suncorp Insurance works collaboratively with healthcare providers to ensure quicker recovery for road accident victims.
Keep 100% of your compensation*
In Queensland, a lawyer acting on a 'no win no fee' basis can charge up to 50% of your compensation*. By claiming directly through Suncorp Insurance, 100% of your compensation* is paid to you.
*Your ‘compensation’ means your damages plus that part of your legal costs payable by the Insurer less the total of the applicable statutory refunds (e.g. to Medicare) and disbursements (e.g. fees for medical reports). If you deal directly with the insurer, you are not likely to have legal costs that may or may not be reimbursed by the insurer.
We are Qld’s largest CTP Insurer with personal injury claims specialists here to help
Suncorp Insurance is Qld’s largest CTP insurer covering over two million vehicles. Our Qld-based CTP Claims and Concierge team is made up of personal injury specialists who will guide you through every step of the claim.
We also offer in-person claims support and will work directly with you and your healthcare providers to ensure your swift recovery.