My Car

A car is a valuable asset which enables you to lead the lifestyle you want. There is a lot you can do to protect and maintain your car.

Do dash cams affect your car insurance?

Dash cams don’t reduce your car insurance costs, but that’s no reason to skip out on them – they can be helpful in other ways!

Can I renew my expired car insurance?

Need to renew a recently expired car insurance policy? Learn about the renewal process for Suncorp Car Insurance in this short guide.

Ways to reduce your risk of car theft

Insurance for car theft can offer peace of mind, but by changing up your car safety habits you may increase your chances of preventing car theft in the first place.

How to protect your car from hail and storm damage

Don’t be caught unprepared. Knowing your options and being prepared when hailstorms are forecast can protect you and your car from preventable damage.

Do demerit points affect your Car Insurance?

Insurers consider demerit points in different ways, and some don’t at all. Contact your insurer to find out if demerit points affect your car insurance.

How to change a flat tyre step-by-step (with video)

Auto Service Technician Robert Richardson teaches how to change a flat tyre step by step, quickly and safely without having to call for help.

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