Maintaining your home

Find out the best ways to protect your home and its contents from damage or unwanted guests. Home insurance is just one way to give you peace of mind. Explore more now.

Could Installing A Water Tank Help You Save | Suncorp Bank

Wondering if you could save some money on your water bill by installing a rainwater tank? Here's a closer look at some of the merits of installing a water tank.

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How Much Can You Save With Solar Panels? | Suncorp Bank

Solar storage works by using power generated by your panels during the day and night. That means less energy from the grid. But can you really save?

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How to prevent mould in your home

If you wage an annual war with mould, this is the guide for you. Here are our top tips on how to kill and prevent mould.

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A room of their own: Creating a private space for everyone in the family

Getting ‘me time’ in busy family life can be challenging. Help everyone find their own special corner with these clever ideas for creating private spaces.

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Clever hacks for maximising space in your apartment

There are plenty of great things about apartment living. But having room to move can sometimes be a challenge. Here, great tips on living large in a small space.

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The home trends making big noise on Instagram

How to incorporate Instagram’s biggest interior trends into your home.

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