Maintaining your home

Find out the best ways to protect your home and its contents from damage or unwanted guests. Home insurance is just one way to give you peace of mind. Explore more now.

How to flood-proof your home | Suncorp

The 2011 Brisbane floods were devastating. One way to mitigate the effects of flooding is to build or renovate a more resilient home.

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How much does the average home renovation cost in Australia?

Renovations costs can be confusing at the best of times. We spoke to an experienced builder to learn just how much the average home renovation costs.

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What’s covered if your bike is stolen?

Here’s what you need to know about bicycle insurance and making sure it's covered under your home and contents insurance.

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What Do Home Loan Borrowers Need To Know About Interest Rate Rises? | Suncorp Bank

Here’s the rundown on what home loan borrowers need to know about interest rate rises and how they can prepare for them.

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5 Reasons You Should Get Home Solar Battery Storage | Suncorp bank

A solar battery could be a significant long-term investment for you and your family. Here’s a breakdown of how solar storage works and five benefits you get along the way. Read more.

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5 Benefits Of Double Glazed Windows | Suncorp Bank

Finding it hard to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter? Find out how double glazed windows can save you money on your power bill and so much more.

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