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Team Girls

In 2017, we launched Team Girls with Netball Australia in response to a startling statistic: nearly 50% of all girls stop playing sport by 17. You see, we know that sport builds confidence. And the more confident girls are now, the more successful they can be later in life.

Sport is a chance to show another side of yourself, learn to be part of a team, increase your confidence, and make friendships that last a lifetime.

At Suncorp, we know every girl’s endgame is different. And we’re here for all of them.

Coach’s talk: staying positive

Clare Ferguson, Specialist Coach for the Australian Diamonds, talks to Suncorp Team Girls about how she nurtures positivity both on and off the court.

When it comes to girls and sport – 2019 doesn’t add up

What's the deal with negative self-talk? How do you convince a teenager to not quit sport? Suncorp's Team Girls resources have helpful articles for parents, teenagers and anyone else who'd like to help build the next generation of confident girls on and off the court. Explore now and be inspired.

VIDEO: PlayersVoice stories

Check out the inspiring stories of Liz Ellis, Laura Geitz, Ash Brazill, Alicia Quirk and Morgan Mitchell whom have played sport at the highest level. Read more.

Game On! Your guide to keeping girls playing sport

Need help supporting the girl when they’re considering quitting sport? Get the guide now and help her stay in the game.

VIDEO: Team Girls Tips

Learn new moves to up your game on the court from your favourite Suncorp Super Netball players as they demonstrate their Team Girls Tips – Watch more.

Letter to my niece – keep playing team sports

Find out why #TeamGirls Ambassador Rebecca Sparrow thinks it's so important for her niece to continue playing group sport. - Read more

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