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Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct

AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 is a signatory to the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct ("the Code").

This code is intended to promote transparent, informed, effective and co-operative relationships between Repairers and Suncorp Insurance based on mutual respect and open communication.

Suncorp Insurance and Repairers agree to observe high standards of honesty, integrity and good faith in conducting their business with each other and in the provision of services to claimants.

Suncorp Insurance provide an efficient, accessible and transparent internal dispute resolution ("IDR") process for issues arising between individual Repairers and Suncorp Insurance.

Suncorp Insurance and Repairers agree they have a responsibility to ensure vehicle repairs are authorised and carried out in a professional manner and to ensure safety, structural integrity, presentation and utility of the vehicle are restored. For more information, please refer to the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct website.


Below are the general processes to follow if you are a Repairer and have a dispute that has been unable to be resolved through discussion with your assessor:

Repair Dispute Resolution: If you have a dispute under Section 10 of the Code for a matter that has arisen prior to the commencement or completion of repair, please notify your Suncorp Insurance Complaint Contact (your Regional Manager). You will need to provide to your Suncorp Insurance Complaint Contact full details of the dispute, supporting evidence of the concern and the redress being sought. A determination will then be reached by your Suncorp Insurance Complaint Contact within two (2) business days.

Dispute Resolution Process:If you have a dispute under Section 11 of the Code in relation to a matter that has arisen under clauses 4 to 9 of the Code or for disputes relating to a contractual arrangement, please notify your Suncorp Insurance Complaint Contact (Regional Manager) that you wish to proceed through the IDR process. Your complaint will be acknowledged in five (5) business days and a determination will be reached within a further ten (10) business days (unless otherwise agreed to by both parties). If you disagree with the outcome of the IDR, you can elevate the dispute to the External Dispute Resolution Process ("EDR") through the Code Administration Committee. For extra information regarding EDR, please refer to the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct website.